Learn the Basics of Lip Ties and Tongue Ties

BEING TONGUE-TIED isn’t just an expression; for many people, it’s an actual medical condition, and a similar one is being lip-tied. We all have thin, stretchy pieces of tissue that connect our tongues to the floor of our mouths and our lips to our gums....

Follow These Sensitive Tooth Tips

1 IN EVERY 8 Americans (including kids) has sensitive teeth. To understand why, we’ll need to take a look at dental anatomy. Erosion and the Layers of a Tooth Every tooth has nerves at the center. When the tooth is healthy, the nerve is protected by the outer...

Let’s Answer Some Dental FAQs Before the New Year!

WE HEAR A LOT of the same questions from patients and parents of patients, so let’s wrap up the year by answering three of them. #1: My tooth doesn’t hurt, so why do I need a filling? Cavities aren’t always painful. They form when tooth enamel is...

No, Vaping Is Not a “Healthy Alternative.”

WE’VE BEEN HEARING for decades how dangerous smoking is to many aspects of our health. As dental professionals, our focus is particularly on the dangers to oral health, including unsightly stains on teeth at the less serious end of the spectrum, to a massively...

What Are the Main Ingredients in Toothpaste?

WE’VE ALL HEARD of the active ingredient in toothpaste: fluoride. It supplies tooth enamel with important minerals to keep it strong and it protects against tooth decay. It’s the one ingredient toothpaste must contain to earn the American Dental...