Oral Cancer Screenings Should Be a Priority!

THE AMERICAN CANCER Society estimates that there will be over 54,000 new oral cancer cases just in 2024. In recent decades, the survival rate of these cancers has risen considerably, and early detection is a huge part of that. That’s why we’re using Oral...

Learn About Three Dentistry Heroines

WOMEN FACED AN uphill battle establishing themselves in many career fields, dentistry included. That’s why, for Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating three pioneers for women in dentistry. Lucy Hobbs Taylor Lucy Hobbs Taylor, born 1833, was the...

What Does an Eating Disorder Do to Dental Health?

EATING DISORDERS can cause many kinds of damage to the body, including the teeth. Oral hygiene habits and regular dental visits are crucial, but in order to maintain good oral health, we also need a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals every day. Anorexia...

Follow These Sensitive Tooth Tips

1 IN EVERY 8 Americans (including kids) has sensitive teeth. To understand why, we’ll need to take a look at dental anatomy. Erosion and the Layers of a Tooth Every tooth has nerves at the center. When the tooth is healthy, the nerve is protected by the outer...

No, Vaping Is Not a “Healthy Alternative.”

WE’VE BEEN HEARING for decades how dangerous smoking is to many aspects of our health. As dental professionals, our focus is particularly on the dangers to oral health, including unsightly stains on teeth at the less serious end of the spectrum, to a massively...