by Scott Gourley | Aug 23, 2023 | Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric
“MOUTH-BREATHER” HAS made the rounds as an insult in recent years, but breathing primarily through the mouth instead of the nose can actually have some pretty negative effects on health, including oral health. Mouth-breathing should only be done as an...
by Scott Gourley | Aug 9, 2023 | Blog, Dental Posts, Endo, General Dental, Ortho, Pediatric
WE CAN SEE a hint of the state of dental health in Shakespeare’s England from a sonnet in which he describes his lady love’s reeking breath. The lines “black contagious breath” and “his breath stinks with eating toasted cheese” make...
by Scott Gourley | Aug 2, 2023 | Blog, Dental Posts, Endo, General Dental, Ortho, Pediatric
YOU PROBABLY HEARD the line “it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown” when you were growing up, but the pedantic dentist might point out that it technically isn’t true. At least ten muscles are involved in smiling, while as few as six are...