A Crash Course in Dental Anatomy

HOW MUCH DO you know about the anatomy of your own teeth? Let’s give you a quick overview. We believe that the more our patients know, the better they’ll understand how important good dental health habits are, including brushing, flossing, and cutting back...

History’s Weirdest Teeth Traditions

MANY STRANGE THINGS lie buried in the history of dental care and hygiene, but we think these five traditions really stand out. (Although we don’t recommend any of them!) 1. Ancient Babylonians believed teeth-grinding was caused by demons. So, logically, the best...

Dental Health PSA: Stop Chewing Ice!

WHY DO DENTISTS always warn against chewing ice? It’s because it’s a habit that can do serious and permanent damage to the teeth and gums. Even when ice-chewers know this, they can still find it difficult to quit, so let’s take a closer look at what...

Show Off With Some Weird Mouth Trivia

THE NEXT TIME you need an ice-breaker, why not toss out a few weird mouth facts? We’re confident you’ll be able to impress your friends. Fact #1: We Need our Spit to Taste Our Food Our saliva plays a crucial role in facilitating our sense of taste. Without...

What Triggers a Canker Sore?

A CANKER SORE, a shallow ulcer that can develop on the inside of the cheeks or lips, can mean days of discomfort. Different things can trigger a canker sore. The most common are a bitten lip or cheek (which only becomes easier to bite again when it swells), long...