by | Aug 28, 2024 | Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric
IF A CHILD CONTINUES their finger or thumb-sucking habit past their toddler years, it can negatively affect the growth of their jaws and the position of their teeth. A Healthy Habit for a Baby or Toddler There’s no need to worry about a baby or toddler with a...
by | Jul 24, 2024 | Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric
AS PARENTS, EVERY milestone a new baby reaches is incredibly exciting, and sometimes we can get impatient and even start worrying long before we should. To get out in front of that tendency, let’s lay out the average schedule of baby teeth development and...
by | Jul 10, 2024 | Blog, Dental Posts, Endo, General Dental, Ortho, Pediatric
ANYONE WHO SWIMS or scuba dives frequently could encounter some unique dental issues if they aren’t careful. Let’s take a closer look at the big ones. Chlorine’s Effect on Teeth The longer teeth are exposed to acidic chlorine ions in pool water, the...
by | Jun 26, 2024 | Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric
DENTAL ANXIETY KEEPS millions of people from seeking dental treatment every year, and it affects kids too. Parents can help their kids develop a positive mindset about the dentist by following a few simple tips: 1. Start Early As soon as a child has their first tooth,...