Cavities Are Childhood’s Most Common Disease

BY THEIR ELEVENTH birthday, 2 in 5 kids will have at least one cavity, but parents can do a lot to keep their child’s teeth healthy. One major cavity culprit is sugary drinks, and that includes fruit juice. The worst way to drink it is by sipping it throughout...

Do You Know Your Child’s Teeth Timeline?

THE FIRST BABY TOOTH and the first loose tooth are two of childhood’s biggest milestones, and new parents probably have a lot of questions about what to expect and whether it’s time to start worrying. We’re here to give you an easy guide to let you...

Did Ancient Americans Have Dental Problems?

WE TEND TO IMAGINE that people from earlier eras must’ve had worse teeth than we do because they didn’t have things like modern dentistry, orthodontics, and root canal treatment, but what dental problems were they dealing with and how did they protect...

Your Teeth Underwater

ANYONE WHO REGULARLY swims might have noticed that your teeth are more sensitive after climbing out of the pool. That’s not just your imagination. Doing a lot of swimming actually can take a toll on our teeth if we aren’t careful. Pool Chlorine Can Cause...

Teaching Your Kids Good Dental Habits

IT ISN’T ALWAYS easy to teach a young child important life skills. They have boundless energy and short attention spans, so a session of sitting still with a toothbrush isn’t always going to go as planned. Following these tips might help when imparting...