Even with Dentures, Your Oral Health is Paramount

If you have a full or partial set of dentures, you are probably aware that your oral health care doesn’t just stop because the teeth are artificial. If your denture care suffers, your oral health care will suffer too. It’s important to remember these seven basic steps...

How Often Do You Think About Your Teeth?

Most people do not think amount their oral health care nearly as much as they should. Below is a list of questions to help you determine if you are taking steps needed for a better life via a well-groomed smile: – Do you avoid chewing tobacco and smoking?...

Nail Biting and Your Child’s Teeth

Does your child bite his or her nails? Nail biting is a common pastime for children as a means to reduce boredom or stress. Occasional nibbling is no cause for concern, but persistent biting, down to the nail bed, can cause significant dental damage. When your child’s...